stayed at school till 9 pm to play soccer.
from morning, went to Sentosa with a quarter of 5B peeps. at night, Pao Ming and Joseph overnight at my house.
went Sentosa again but this time round with my soccer team. slacked with Jing and Clem after that.
slacked the whole day. did nothing much. so FREE! my friend used my handphone to take pictures.
Neo's hair ROCKS! i really must go KIMAGE!
i still don't get it why this picture is funny. Hmmm...
slim SHADIES! =)
Palawan Beach. where "dreams" come true. LOL!
my bro's cap. =)
burial for hakim. not yet done.
finisher. some CENSORED parts in the picture if you zoom in.
when i was talking.

acting with her new phone. what sia JING. make me jealous only. ZzZzZz.
showcase of CLEMENT'S magical talent. =)
appearance of a gangster. voice always make like ALEX.
it was Douglas' idea anyway. just tagged along. HAHAHA.
after i accidentally kicked the sharp end of the OHP trolley. directly at my SHIN! damned Desmond to take this picture.
my ORIENTATION group leader. he's the best. SLACKED WITH US during break time! =)
the whiteboard says it all! i did the writing.
tired and shagged now. look at the time. AHH!!! CIAOS!
-i'm crazily in love ; HER ♥
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played like hell just now. after taking numerous rides over and over again, we got bored and decided to take our shower before leaving. after shower, we took a picture of ourselves. we were super totally damned SHAGGED in this picture.
thanks to my bro's cap that i had a cover-up for my hair.
after that we went to have dinner at Macdonald. everyone ate except Pao Ming. he wanted to save money. LOL! after dinner, we had our dessert of VANILLA ICE-CREAM! =) during the process of eating, Joseph had an idea of making a face from the ice-cream cone which eventually turned out to create wonders. hahahaha. here's our masterpiece.
top is Pao Ming's, left Ahmad, below Mine and right is of course Joseph.
how does Pao Ming create his masterpiece? using his teeth and create teeth marks on his ice cream. LOL!! then we went to play pool and arcade. HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY goes to Pao Ming who scores 3 POOL BALL at 1 GO at DIFFERENT SLOTS. hahaha.
now at home and so totally shagged out. just can't wait for the weekends! =) CIAOS!
-never fails to make me laugh ; HER ♥
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school as usual. but after school is where all the fun began. played soccer with Indren, Darren, Douglas and Saiful. never heard of them right? HAHAHA. Indren, Darren and Saiful are from my lecture group. Douglas obviously is my classmate. played soccer till about 7 pm Douglas, Darren and Saiful got to go. so me and Indren stayed till 9 pm to play soccer till Indren had to went off. by then, there was already no challenge cause like me and some of the year 2 students were dominating the court. around 9 30 pm, went home with Meng Whye.

when other's are studying, we are taking pictures of ourselves. WE WERE INFRONT OF THE LECTURER some more. LOL! me and Tuan.
i think i spent most of my time outside rather than at home on Saturday. early in the morning already got up and prepared for soccer. we learned overlapping and even had a friendly match against some players. it was a draw but we should have won the match. now i must no longer slack and HOLD my current position in the first team. we also met 1 of Joshua's new staff, She Min (sorry if spelt wrongly). she's an average for a 19 year old primary school teacher. hahaha. after the heavy training, everyone went home.
i was SERIOUSLY super damn tired cause i didn't slept quite well during the weekdays. Arif's birthday party was also during that day so around 3 30 pm, met some of the group and went to his all might think that it's just a normal birthday party. but here's the catch. ARIF doesn't know that there is a party going on. so it's like a SURPRISE party. well we all awaited for his arrival a level higher than his house. i saw a FOUR WHEELER BIKE a level higher his house. and it was super SUPER NICE! so i asked Ahmad to take a video of me riding that BIKE!
cool eh? hahahah.
after that we surprised ARIF! gosh! HIS FACE WAS DAMN FUNNY! he was SWEATING ALL OVER! damn. should have videoed him. so we sang him his birthday song and he was happy all over. guess he's really enjoying his birthday party. managed to take a picture of him cutting the cake.
cool right? hahaha. sorry very blur.
and so we ate at his house. SERIOUSLY, his mother cooking so totally ROCKS! it's super delicious. after that we went to play soccer as an honor to celebrate his birthday. I WAS THE LIKE THE REAL PAUL SCHOLES that day. damn i scored a lot of beautiful goals. hahaha.
after soccer, everyone went home except for me, Ahmad and Pao Ming. we knew that it was still too early for us to go home. Noor suddenly messaged me to watch soccer at Rivervale Plaza Macdonald between Manchester United and Chelsea. F.A. Cup Final. Russell came down too. SADLY, Manchester United lost but they played a really good game. i was really depressed at that moment. Rooney was fast, Wes Brown was on form. what a waste.
after watching soccer, Noor and Russell went home. called Joseph to come down. and guess what we did? PLAYED POOL LA! went Hougang Plaza to play. and like always, i sucks at it. played a lot of games then after around 3 am, we were terribly DAMN TIRED.
on the way back home, SOMETHING REALLY BAD HAPPEN. well, i better not share it out here in the blog. to those who knew what happen, please keep it a low profile. thanks. it happened all so fast. but we managed to overcome it and laughed all the way back home. reached home around 6 am and went to sleep immediately right after my head touch my pillow.
woke up around 2 pm and already was super shagged. called my group partner, Gagen, and we met up around 3 30 pm near his house. we had to complete a project from the subject called "Personal Development". well, he brought all the materials. main objective is to make an AEROPLANE out of any materials and see how far it can fly. we made ours out of Styrofoam board. at first it couldn't fly. after several TRIAL AND ERROR, we managed to find the fault and we SOLVED it.
walla! our new AEROPLANE model. it really can FLY FAR!
took us nearly 3 hours to complete it but it was worth it. we were satisfied. after that we went home. i went to Compass Point to have my haircut. many say my hair still looks the same. it's cause i never cut my fringe. I WANT TO KEEP IT. i love the curl on my fringe that's why.
phew. what a weekend right? hahaha. PLUS I'M SO SUPER HAPPY! to those who know why i'm super happy, keep it down will you? HAHAHA. today, i was totally in a happy mood cause something special happened! =) now getting late already and very sleepy. AHH! CIAOS!
-she's like a box of chocolate; full of SURPRISES ♥
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i lost my energy after doing that 1 hand pull up.
tomorrow is going to be 1 HECTIC day. from 8 am to 5 pm. then after that, i'm going to stay at school till night time to play SOCCER! with all the NYP-ians. hahahaha. missing all my secondary 5B classmates! =) CIAOS!
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four of us can't sit together but once we do, we talk like the world never ended. and so we chatted but Douglas UTTERED a word of VULGARITY. one of the year 2 kid, opposite us, heard Douglas uttered that WORD and scolded him.
THAT GUY shouted: "HEY! Mind your words ok? Don't scold vulgarity. It's very rude."
Douglas (in a state of SHOCK) : "Oh ok. Sorry Sorry. Will you forgive me? Please forgive me."
hahaha. Douglas was like so SARCASTIC. everyone laughed. i meant in our class. i think i saw Douglas blushed. its a maybe though. then we continued normally. and chatted. THEN, it was EDMUND turn to ACCIDENTALLY to SPUTTER OUT another word of VULGARITY.
this time round the year 2 teacher was behind that guy. that guy scolded EDMUND.
EDMUND : ******
THAT GUY shouted: "HEY! Mind your words! You know it's rude. Learn your manners!"
EDMUND ( TOTALLY STUNNED ) : Oh Sorry Sorry. Sorry Sorry.
Year 2 Teacher: "Shut up. Don't disturb the rest."
THAT GUY shouted back at teacher: "Mind your own business. I got to tell them off!"
Year 2 Teacher:"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"
Friends of THAT GUY: "Just shut up. SHUT UP!"
finally he shut up. it was VERY FUNNY if you guys were there. in the end, our lesson end. i said goodbye to THAT GUY and he said GOODBYE back. my friend said he's pretty weird. i said he was holy. well it's up to you to call him what. TIRED~! CIAOS!
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Ah Beng guy is in white. David is his name. so called "HERO" of that day. HAHAHA.
the ball is save. WEE~! =)
really some great moments with my classmate. i think i'm doing really fine with my classmates. think i have the best POLY classmates ever. hahahaha.
so how did you guys celebrated mother's day? well mine was a little special. celebrated as a whole family. watched "Jangan Pandang Belakang" meaning "Don't Look Behind" at Tampines Mall Golden Village. the show was GREAT! funny + scary moments mixed together. i even had goosebumps during those scary moments. i'll give it 4 out of 5 stars. the movie didn't really scare me that much but it did scare my brother. LOL! met DESMOND, my CLASSMATE, at TAMPINES MALL too. hahahahaha.
after that, we went to have our dinner at Jalan Kayu. Cafela Restaurant really serves the best Tom Yam soup ever. it really turned me on that night.
my parents busy choosing with what goes with Plain White Rice.
Iced Milo, Lime Drink, Iced Cappucino, Lime Drink. Mine, Mother, Wawan, Father.
the Hotplate was behind the Steamboat. =x
after everything was done, we had SATAY for "DESSERT".
picture edited by NADIA! thanks NAD! asked a favor from her to EDIT! =)
now at home and updating my blog. HOMEWORK still haven't been done yet. AHHH. but nvm. maybe i copy tomorrow? HAHAHA. CIAOS!
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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felt kinda sleepy so i slept from 6 30 pm till 5 30 am this morning. LOL! 11 hours of sleep. feeling much more refresh now. and just can't fall back asleep. ZzZz. next lesson starts at 11 am and from now till then, i have no idea what to do. it's 6 35 am now. AHHHHHHHH! bored~ CIAOS!
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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that GUY behind me is a GAY.
so we had dinner and all of us went home. ivan was so kind to have accompanied me home all the way. =) thanks IVAN! now at home and updating blog. sleepy + tired and still there is homework to do. CIAOS!
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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went to Bugis with them cause Ahmad wanted to buy a new bag. met Qi You and Derek when we were on our way to CP. joked with them all the way before finally we reached Bugis street. Qi You and Derek went their separate ways and we went ours. first and foremost we went to have dinner cause we were pretty hungry. then we went to buy Ahmad's new bag.
after buying Ahmad's new bag, we went roaming at Parco Bugis Junction for no reason. after roaming for some time, Sherhan and Ahmad bought ice cream before we head straight back home. on the way home, we made some JOKES that really CRAMPED our stomach. LOL! laughter after laughter. i even SHED TEARS laughing. hahahaha. really had a great time with them. a picture of formal us.
LOL!!!! =)
Sherhan dropped off at Hougang station. but me and Ahmad alighted at Seng Kang and walked all the way home. now back home and still some of my homework hasn't been done yet. btw, here's a video i find very interesting.
Rihanna (UNFAITHFUL) Cover. from our very own SINGAPORE LOCAL BAND!
that's all for now. and i still haven't DO MY HOMEWORK! ARHH! thanks guys for the great time! =) CIAOS!
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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PAUL SCHOLES ; my idol
so what if i miss? people do make mistake. i learn from my mistake. macam paham. HAHAHAHA. we played some new training ideas came up from Joshua. it was very very interesting yet challenging but somehow it did work out well. after training, all of us had a mud bath. Pao Ming even had 2 big dragon tattooed on both of his leg. LOL! but he managed to watch it off at the sink of the toilet.
we laugh in the train like it was ours. and i kept on disturbing people. ate lunch at KFC before heading off straight home. BRUSHED OFF all the mud from my jersey and boots. my toilet was pretty muddy after that but i cleared it up. prepared everything and met Jia Hui and Jing Xuan at CP. Jia Hui had his haircut. pretty okae hairstyle but the main thing is the haircut is = $23. so expensive. i go OKINAWA to have my haircut just for $10. HAHAHA.
met the rest and went to Century Square to catch Spiderman 3 movie. seriously i'm tired of typing. hope the pictures will tell you how much fun we had.
woof woof.
meow owner woof.
im in heaven. WEEE!
my baby. LOL. =x
i couldn't breathe at that moment.
i was supposedly to be the king. PLAN FAILED.
the girls.
we went to have our dinner after the movie. SPIDERMAN 3 WAS A HIT! LOVE IT MAN! watched it and you guys really love it! =) for dinner i had 1 Plain Naan which is somehow like Roti Prata mix with Thosai. but it was nice! then we had ice kacang. $4 ice kacang. it was the biggest ice kacang ever. HAHAHA.
you should have seen the size of it in real life.
Process after Melting.
after that, we went to play pool at Hougang Plaza. as usual, i sucks at pool. so just played some games and i even took picture with JING.
she was pinched by someone i guess. see her expression. LOL!
overall today my day was TIRING but very very FUN! my legs are super wobbly now. i think i better bath now and have a good rest. oh ya, saw a lot of people again today. LOL! CIAOS! =)
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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met Firdaus near the Top Up machine. he said he was going breakdancing with his friends. then i saw THAT SOMEONE AGAIN. that SOMEONE was kinda shock too when that SOMEONE saw me. but that SOMEONE smiled and i SMILED back. =) 2nd time in a row already! hahahahah. i think only Hakim knew what happened. and DAMN it, ez-link card expired already. still awaiting for my school to make my card.
met Farhan at Dhoby Ghaut before we make our way straight to City Hall. i told Farhan to make my trip worthwhile cause it's TRANSPORT MONEY that we're talking about. after we reached City Hall, our stomach rumbled. so we had our dinner at Long John Silver. then i saw my COUSIN MAMAT with his Malay Cultural Group friends which is my CCA. hahaha. gosh. everytime saw them.
he reminded me about my CCA tomorrow before he went off. after dinner, i told Farhan and Hakim to do something stupid. as because Long John Silver has this bell thingy, we decided to ring it but not all at once, but one by one. hahaha. Farhan went off first. then slowly me before hakim next. hahahaha. poor staffs. need to say Goodbye 3 Times. it was pretty stupid but FUNNY! hahaha.
so we went to Peninsula Plaza in search of Farhan needs but nothing was to be bought. so we decided to go to Bugis instead. we didn't take the train, but we save our TRANSPORT MONEY and walked to Bugis. was quite near though. met Ayuni, Roslin and her sister there. guess they were busy shopping too. HAHAHA. oh ya, while walking around Bugis Street, something caught my eyes. a Wrist Watch that cost only $5! i'm really happy to have bought that watch cause it's VERY VERY NICE! a picture of it.
ignore my foot. HAHAH.
Farhan didn't bought anything at Bugis Street but he promised us that he'll buy something at Plaza Singapura. so once again, we saved TRANSPORT MONEY by walking from Bugis to Plaza Singapura. quite near too. we decided to play POOL first at Paradiz Centre on the way to Plaza Singapura but all the Pool Places were FULLY-BOOKED! =x but we met Bao, Han Liang, Chang Chin(sorry if spell wrong), Jennifer, Sin Yan, Dominic & Chi Yong. sooo many people at just 1 place. HAHAHA. as there was no Pool Table left, we went to Plaza Singapura next.
we went to I.P. Zone at Plaza Singapura and saw CAMILIA and SIEW LENG. omgosh. saw my "BABY" there. hahahaha. we were shocked. and FINALLY, Farhan bought something there. 2 Collar Tee Shirts. NICE DESIGNS! =) fit a Design Student from TP. hahahaha. went roaming around Plaza Singapura and we almost forced Farhan to cut his hair at Kimage but our planned failed. so after that we went back home. took picture with Hakim in the MRT.
love my fringe curls. hahaha.
once we reached CP MRT station, we took picture again but with farhan in too.
gosh. LOOK AT MY PRETTY WATCH! =)) taken by Camilia Baby. hahahaha.
Camilia and Siew Leng took the LRT back home. Farhan wanted to buy Concession and also buy Sketch Book at Popular so we bid our goodbyes to them. after buying concession, we went up to buy Farhan's Sketch Book. finally, the last 2 people we saw for the day. couples of course. and they are JOSEPH and YAN LING. hahahahaha. asked Joseph to guess how much my watch is and he said $55. i guess my watch really looked that EXPENSIVE! =)
after buying Farhan's sketch book, we went home. Joseph and Yan Ling wanted to browse more at the shop so we went home first. on the way back home by WALKING (Saving Transport Money), we played some games came up from Farhan. kinda lame but funny. HAHAHAHA. now already home and updating my blog. at least i shopped for a watch. =) and met SOO many people today. haha. CIAOS!
-winning her heart ; SLOWLY ♥
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