i can't play cause of the blood which never stop flowing out of the gum. so i just assisted the manager in the team's training. but i managed to shoot some shots to the keeper. it was short just now but the training session was worth it as we managed to clear many things up. by 5 pm, we washed up and left to have our dinner at CP KFC. on the way back home in the mrt, i managed to take pictures with some of the team members. here are some of the pictures.
what can i do without him? LOL.
vice versa of taking pictures.
Ivan, Me, Pao Ming and Xian Yang. cool stuffs.
ahmad, gary and bao went home. we ate our dinner and stay for awhile before me, russell, hakim and noor decided to watch Liverpool VS Arsenal match at KOUFU. end of the match, Liverpool won 4-1. i said something bad to hakim which i realize i was in the wrong in the first place. wont go further into that as its better to put it like this. just want to say a big SORRY to hakim.
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yo! mr cool with WEAKY legs.
carried sooo many stuffs. =x
there's something on your slippers mee kee.
weaky shades. gosh, i look GAY.
formal us.
polky lick. =x
JC and POLY kids.
smiles. =)
AAHHHHHH. it's getting more PAINFUL. continuous bleeding. =x fighting real hard against the pain. wish me luck.
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i was watching soccer advertisement. who couldn't resist?
i spoke to him in Japanese. that's why he couldn't quite get it.
you all know which is my shoe right?
my funniest partner for yesterday. diggy diggy.
the nearest hand you see holding a fork is my hand. LOL.
the SUNNY girls. they really cook good food.
used to disturb her Wong Mei Heng. =x
i was supposed to act dumb. =x i really look DUMB.
there's still more pictures. but it's with Shalyn. going to update more with it once i got those photos. and JULIANA, yesterday was one HELL of PARTY. THANKS! =) cheer up k Juliana?
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for POLY. =)
it would like this if i carried it.
and jing. i dont feel threaten. LOL.
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anyway jia hui and i have been thinking of us going on a trip to OUTSIDE of singapore to go shopping. it's just a thought though. sounds interesting? contact & tell us.
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here's his link.
vote for Farhan.
thank you. your voting will be much greatly appreciated.
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this morning started out with FC Bonito playing soccer at Punggol Street Soccer Court. finally i could showcase my samba skills. well of course my team mates and another unknown MAN U guy was very impressed. due to some jealousy, it resulted to GARY kicking my shin which haven't been fully recovered since the competition. the 2nd time round i was kicked at the SAME SPOT by that unknown guy. it's very painful. ARGH. and its still painful now. some of them could remember that when i did the samba, i managed to pass 4 guys with ease. but i had no finishing. hahaahha.
the NS men came down but once again they didn't play. i just don't get it. are we that professional? LOL. after 30 minutes surveying our SKILLS, they went off. sadly, we were the only teams to play among ourselves. but it was fun. in the game we met RAJU and P. DIDDY. seriously, RAJU really did look like RAJU. i was laughing my ass off looking at him. reminds me at the construction site... we played for about 4 hours before our legs were worn out and we were really tanned.
ahmad came super late this time. but he wanted to stay and play. so he played with the nan chiau people. amron, noor and me were hungry then so we ate at CP's KFC. once again im eating junk. HABIT HABIT. met noor's cousin and he's really cute. but his younger sister is more CUTER. they both have such chubby cheeks. LOL. then we went off. i promised to go window shopping with ivan afterwards in the afternoon.
so met ivan around 2 pm at my house before we headed to town. when we reached town, we were hungry so we directly went to Wheelock's Place to have our lunch once again at burger king. within 2 hours of eating KFC, i ate Burger King. you guys can call me JUNK MAN. as i always eat very slow, ivan let me eat the burger first. we both bought Mushroom Swiss Single Meal. i dared him to eat his burger within 4 bites.
he REALLY did it. here's a video of him eating the burger.
amazing but TRUE.
walked around orchard before we went into the Adidas shop. he already marked something on his buying list for his special someone. i couldn't say it out now cause it's a surprise. =) he said that his face was super red. and really he was. when he lifted up his fringe, you can see a big colour difference. white and red. LOL. i had to go work by 5 pm so by around 4 50 pm, we went our seperate ways. he told me that on the 7th and 8th of April there's going to be some Bike Stunts exhibition at Youth Park near Somerset MRT station. i'm going with him. hahaha.
so went in to work at 5 pm and met up with the rest of my friends. today was going to be my so called ''last day'' unless i really need money badly. it was very very tiring today cause one of the main course was Chicken Rice. =x but it was one tiring experience i had so far working there. ended my work at 2 30 am and took the bus transport home. i took some pictures of what my workplace look like for those who are so CURIOUS.
checkpoint. this is where you change your IC to the HOTEL STAFF PASS. also is where the staffs smoke.
how slacking the job is? VERY. look at my friends. LOL.
HOTEL LIFTS for STAFFS. does it look haunted? =x
it was a Wedding Function. totally WICKED.
funny thing about all the chefs there. THEY NEVER STOP SHOUTING.
this was one of the 8 course being served fot the Wedding Function. it's called the Lobster Deluxe. tempting ain't it? you haven't seen the others.
the wedding cake. towering and big.
some of the extra souvenirs i brought home. nice right? lol.
didn't really get my pay today. only can collect it on monday. well, it's better like that. maybe going out on monday with the same OLD gang. maybe catching a movie AGAIN. seriously now i'm dead beat. i reached home around 4 am by bus transport and im updating my blog for about an hour. =x going to bath now and have a GOOD NIGHT REST. CIAOS. =)
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-Urine Test
surprisingly i have gained some weight. YAY!!! =) 49.5 kg. but still i have to gain more. and my height i still don't know yet. i have to grow taller i think. doctor said nothing bout my urine test. NOT GOING TO DIE EARLY. thought i had DIABETES. remind me to bring my SPECS tomorrow. because of me forgetting to bring along my specs that i had to postpone the checking of eyesight to the next morning. ended the whole appointment around 6 30 pm.
had to meet up with some of FC Bonito players with the manager and his staffs for a meeting at Orchard's Starbucks. but the venue was changed to Burger King. we talked and discussed some matters out openly and actually we felt great. hakim is now known as the joker. pao ming is now known as cool man. russell almost got the title for cartoon but he wasted it. around 10 pm all of us headed home.
russell was with his crutches as he had just finished his leg operation. in the MRT, some kind guy let him sit down at his seat but it was BESIDE HIS GIRLFRIEND. how sweet. LOL. the night was still young then so me and pao ming alighted at hougang to play pool at the same place. lost to him once again but we had some fun. we headed home straight after the game cause i have to wake up quite early tomorrow morning.
maybe i'm going to stop wasting my money on just playing pool. this habit must be stop. i also must stop eating JUNK FOOD everyday cause by eating JUNK FOOD, i will be JUNKED. and last but not least, not spending my money any or how cause money is really really PRECIOUS when you're an adult. help me stop this HABIT. thanks. =)
im just wondering what my hair will be like after i cut it. seriously, i'm going to cut this thick hair of mine that have been growing from my head. SPIKE is what im aiming for now. my mum recommend me SuperCuts. my dad recommend me the japanese barber shop at CP level 1. i would like to try at Jean Yip. confusion. LOL. dam. it's 3 30 am now. and i haven't sleep. like 5 more hours before i go for the medical check up AGAIN.
till next time, CIAOS.
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for Jawker.
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still don't get the message?
now do you get it?
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this was when he's at home.
this was one of his performance at Orchard Road.
trust me. you don't want to miss to watch his videos.
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The video -
Click Here
>>The petition -
Click Here
Please stop this killing. Help to spread this around.
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first match my team was up against Pondok if i'm not wrong. surprisingly, we thrashed that team 7-0. was a great start. we kept on winning until we were fatigue. our subs were limited. that's where trouble started. we drew with Kuda Hitam but K.O.C. won us. our team ended up at 3rd position in the league table. FC Bonito (1) was first in position though with 4 wins, 1 draw and 1 loses. FC Bonito (2) was 3rd in position with 3 wins, 2 draw, and 1 loses.
well, it was my first time playing competition outside and i had some good experience with it. guess that there are some really better players than us. well, i wasn't at my top form just now. got some injuries now but i have to recover as soon as possible. sorry guys if i didn't play that well. congratulations to FC Bonito 1 for winning the competition but a great job to FC Bonito 2 to get 3rd out of the competition.
we cannot blame anyone for our losses as everyone have given their best. now, we have to look forward for any upcoming competitions and be mentally prepared for it. great job guys. cheers to FC Bonito.
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the movie was romantic yet funny right from the beginning. the girl, So-hee, lost her father at the age of 7. but she thought that her father only went to mars. trying not to let the girl's hope in despair, the guy, Seung-jae, stayed up late at night just to write letters to her, pretending to be her father. once So-hee lost her gift from her father before he passed away in the river. Seung-jae took the courage and dived into the river. he never gave up to find the gift. somehow, he managed to find her gift from the river and return it back to So-hee. the movie goes on as they grow older and So-hee moved to town where she worked in a big company. Seung-jae became a post man afterwards.
So-hee returned back once to visit her grandmother and well catch up with the past with Seung-jae. one of So-hee's shoe fell into the river while they were on Seung-jae's bicycle. Seung-jae did not went to retrieve it as the river was rapid at that moment. they sat side by side, like during their childhood times, and counted their multiplication timetable. i kinda smiled during that moment cause it was very touchy. after a few days there, she returned to town. Seung-jae's feeling grew deeper for her every day but there were too far apart to see each other so he sent her letters. after a few weeks she never replied his letter, he decided to went to town to check her up.
however, she met a rich business man and they fell in love with one another. when the business man propose to her, she only wanted one thing from him. '' I want you to promise that you won't die without me. '' she said that because she lost her father when she was so happy living together. Seung-jae knew about their relationship when he was visiting town and well, felt pretty upset. so he returned back to his country side, with all his hopes of being with So-hee going down the drain. however, the business man broke his promise after he went bankruptcy and left her all alone. Seung-jae and his family had to move out as the whole country side was going to be demolished and be turn into a dam.
Seung-jae never forgot all the letters that have been sent and received by So-hee during the past years. before moving out by the lorry, he collected all the letters and kept it by his side. he sat at the back of the truck, with his brother drove the truck. halfway through the journey Seung-jae jumped out of the truck and headed to the river where he then decided to retrieve So-hee's lost shoe. he dived into the river and all the memories were clear there. he saw his childhood memories in the river. he smiled. a year later, So-hee received a letter from an unknown person. she knew that it was from Seung-jae as the package contained So-hee's lost shoe.
So-hee was never so happy in her life and went back to the country side to find Seung-jae. on her way there, she stopped at a nearest inn near to the country side for a 1 night stay there. surprisingly, she saw Seung-jae's father there. she was delighted and asked where Seung-jae was. sadly, Seung-jae drowned in the river upon retrieving her shoes. So-hee then finally realize that her one true love was by her side all this time and mars really exist if she really looks deep in her heart. for the first time in her life, she post a mail to mars.
that's what i could summaries from the whole movie i watched just now. to those who never managed to watch it, well too bad. hahahas. how my new intro blog song? matching with the movie right? don't cry now. xP now im very sleepy. CIAOS! =)
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edited US. =)
handsome, prettiest and chubby. =x
what we really looked like in SEC 3.
eeek! i guess it was too spicy.
i love his face. =)
my first ever DATE! xP
sending her home.
today just got back home from Cathay movie theatre. i've watched 2 movies within 2 days now and really, it is EXPENSIVE. today watched movie with part of the team. attendance: terrence, 1 dollar 3 tries, noornok, always late, kim chua and with some of the soccer staffs. we watched rocky balboa and it was very inspirational. it's kinda slow in the beginning but it's very nice to watch. all the climax is nearing to the end. morale of the story: fight till the end and endure the pain faced. also never to give up so easily. =) after the movie, all the soccer staffs went home. we were hungry so we ate at burger king for dinner afterwards. when we reached Seng Kang, ivan had to go home as he have to work early in the morning tomorrow but it's too early for us to go home so we slacked at sculpture park.
us at sculpture. blur effects due to Night Mode.
we talked about soccer and watched some amazing videos before playing stupid games like pushing the board that can rotate 360 degrees. pao ming was the strongest in that game. by 12 am, we all went home. noornok headed home in another direction whereas we accompanied kim chua to his bus stop. headed to 1 dollar 3 tries' house next to take my belongings which i have forgotten. always late went home after that and now terrence is beside me watching i updating my blog. maybe he OVERNIGHTing again just like old times. LOL. kk till next time i update. CIAOS. =)
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can you see pao ming at the back tying his shoe lace?
my idiotic face. i love that face man.
we were the TOP 2 for POOL GAMES everytime.
back view of shalyn. that shexy lady. LOL.
where POSTER PLANES flew about.
do i look drunk? LOL. prom night. captured from Zul's friendster profile.
this is, and yes really is, FARHAN's face. the chubbyness.
censored part of us. LOL.
see where my left hand was at.
still got time to go Hari Raya during the O level examinations.
so i think that's bout it for now. some pictures where i find it AMUSING yet MEMORABLE. CIAOS my HOMIES! =)
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