this was taken early in the morning. HAHA. at sentosa checkpoint.

after we played volleyball and soccer.
me and that pretty girl. HAHAHAHAHA.

as you can see in the background it's raining heavily.
waiting for the bus tram.
that was all. HAHA. take care my HOMIES.
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we were in the cab. running late for the concert. well only the three of us were late. HAHA.

in the school's toilet. we had to rush for this photo shoot as many headed to the toilets.

taken right after the concert ended. just love the atmosphere.

taken at the canteen where many had their lunch there. well, me amron, hakim, ahmad and zul had our lunch outside at long john silver.

taken at the bus stop outside the school. zul took this picture. haha. i look AWFULLY tired.
amron and zul had to went home. hakim went home afterwards around 8 45 pm. ahmad and i catched a midnight movie at cineleisure. we called noor along. we managed to watch together with princess, siew leng and her friends. we actually wanted to watch Night At The Museum but tickets were already sold out. we watched Charlotte's Web instead. firstly, i thought it was a boring show but turns out to be educational yet a happy ending. rating for Charlotte's Web: 3/5
princess and the rest went to drink whereas me, noor and ahmad went jalan2 at nowhere. LOLs. met hot chics along the way. even filipinos HOT chics were around us. HAHA. took the first train home.
pictures were taken before and after the movies.

you can see a lot of difference here in both these pictures. HAHAHA.

we all look smart. INDIANS. xP

her BOOBIES are extraordinary. hahas.
after the movies. i had sore eyes. DAMMIT.
reached home by 6 30 am and by 7 pm i slept for like about 12 hours. woke up around 8 and already updating my blog. kk till then. CIAOS.
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Gary (ST)
Me (CF)
Pei Xiang (LW) Yang Shen (CM) Yang Rong (CM) Haziq (RW)
Amron(LB) Bao (CB) Noor (CB) Sherhan (RB)
Ivan (GK) / Xian Yang (GK)
for the first time at last in a match i played upfront. the overall score was 14 - 3. we THRASHED them well and hard. my brother didn't came because he was injured yesterday due to athletics. i scored 3 goals. Gary scored 7 goals. Amron scored 1 goal. Yang Shen scored 2 goals. Noor scored 1 goal. i assisted Gary a lot of time. hahas. luckily he doesn't shoot like a girl this time round. first goal was within the range of 5 minutes. that was assist by me and Gary scoring the goal. well we did a lot of damage to them and by first half it was already 7 - 1.
ivan just cannot forgive himself for letting in that 1 goal but IVAN, u did very VERY WELL. man of the match and a lot OF CREDITS has to go to IVAN. everyone saw a very BIG IMPROVEMENT in IVAN. power man IVAN. you saved many of the goals and dived almost everywhere even though it's muddy. XIAN YANG did well too. he managed to save all one on one shots. that's my keepers. overall, everyone did a very GOOD JOB.
AMRON was the most noisiest today with his stupid unsensible comments and orders. he said things like '' okae everyone attack '' '' keeper come out '' and a lot of stupid STUFF. HAKIM missed a penalty. PEI XIANG shot hit the bar but GARY took rebound and scored. my goals were the most stupid goals ever. first goal i scored was rebound off the defender. second goal was before the half time break, which was a corner kick for me to tap in the goal. and the third goal was me volleying the ball to the far side of the keeper. my third goal was the most classic finish.
was a very tiring yet a victorious day. went home and bathe pretty well before had a long sleep. now awake and updating my blog. kk till here. the next time we play another match REMEMBER to take a photo of US.
PS: a little something my PRINCESS brought up at her blog. HAHA.

this was me and ahmad when we were in SECONDARY 2. omg. bestest of friends since primary 1. 11 years and running. HAHAS.
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we ate that much. LOLs. these are us. the BOYS.
these was where i was super full. LOL. but still manage to stuff in more food.
this was the GAME that brought me victory. DAYTONA. specially done it for her. LOLs.
i stand macho among the rest. LOLs.
horse riding. the bear behind me wanted a ride. YAHOO!!!
hahas. these picture many love my FACE. i think i was very high yesterday. talk and talk and talk.
met pei lin AGAIN and her friend at the mrt station when we were waiting for our train. met ana who was working at seoul garden. finally managed to meet her face to face. met sheena too when i was walking to the toilet with rizal. she is the waitress at my workplace. HAHA. she was like shocked. so am i. i was stoned at first but then managed to smile and said HI. =D met wen yi in the mrt when we were on our way home. she too was working at chinatown OG. must visit her someday. lols. met a lot of people yesterday. yesterday was one hell of a fun day. but now im down with cough. shouldn't have drank too much sweet drinks. kk till here. ciaos.
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haziq scored their first goal against us when he somehow managed to dribble pass moon and finished it. we then countered with ME assisting moon with a through pass and he shoot it well. it was 1-1 then. a long ball by Moon to me was so accurate then i dribbled pass sam and scored pretty well. ivan had a very strong AURA that made gary so difficult to score against him. maybe it's because of he drinking heavily yesterday. hahaha. in the end, gary managed to score against ivan by a through pass from Bao. we trained from 9 30 till 10 30 before it started pouring damn heavily. Gary, Bao, Sam, Moon went home as they were tired. Ivan went home as he had to go to church. well, the rest were hungry.
we then slacked at hougang mall's KFC and had lunch. Amron must learn how to grow up. LOL. he took the umbrella's plastic cover, blow it up with air, tied it and smacked people with it. GROW UP please. even haziq and my brother ain't playing this kind of childish games. haha. after lunch we went to the shophouses nearby cause amron and ahmad wanted to buy slippers. amron was the first to buy. haziq and i commented to amron that the slippers designs cannot be seen. mat noor thought we were saying that his foot is camouflage with the slipper itself. hahas. he bought it for $9.90. omg. so expensive. i decided to bargain to the shop keeper to give a discount as christmas was near. xP but failed.
we then headed to the next shop to buy ahmad's slipper. surprisingly, YEW KEE worked there. lol. i didn't know that until yesterday. well, yew kee didn't serve us. instead one of her other staff did. she seems to be doing store stuffs. asked her how much her pay was but she just wouldn't answer. haha. so bid farwell to her and we then headed home. many of us were dead tired but i had to attend syam's sister wedding ceremony at yishun. soon as my brother and i reached home, we slacked at his room. i had the computer and he went to sleep. gosh. the temptation to sleep was so high but i managed to fight it. LOL. talked to jing all the way till 2 pm before i get prepared to go syam's wedding ceremony. it was still pouring heavily then. rizal called me and he said we, (rizal, awal and luqman) will be taking a cab so he asked me along to. they waited near the bus stop opposite my house.
my papa was so kind to have accompanied me all the way to the taxi with an umbrella. thanks papa. on the way to yishun, we saw nadia and her sister crossing towards Centrepoint under an umbrella. maybe they were looking for jobs? who knows... hahas. reached there and first we saw syamsidd. met hussin and his mom there too. syam's gal, gen was there to dressed in baju kebaya. when we already reached, there was a kuda kepang performance by then. syamsidd told me that it was a real possesion of kuda kepang. and sure damn it's true, cause those kuda kepangs that were performing, were possessed and eating burning charcoals, burning cigarettes, glasses and a lot more with their bare mouth. it was so DAMN scary. i've got some of their video clips in my handphone if you guys want to watch. not that clear though. syamsidd's father too got possessed when one of the possessed kuda kepang rammed his father. only those who once played this possession of kuda kepang can get easily possessed. what i know from syam is that when those people who are possessed, they won't remember a thing as they just see PITCH BLACK and the gamilan MUSIC being played. they will feel tired after the possession ended with the GURU, who can bring out the kuda kepang from inside of them.
well some scary moment there. took pictures with the bride and groom and had our dinner there. rizal, hussin and hussin's mom made a move first. it was 6 by then and i was feeling tired. awal, luqman and me then decided to go off by cab. we first bid our farewell to syam's parents and of course to syam. we waved for a cab before we headed off home. in the cab, i was already sleepy and thanks to awal, he told the cab driver to drop me off near my house. thanks awal. reached home by 6 30 and already felt like knocking off. played my guitar for about half an hour before my energy level was 0%. knocked off till today morning and here i am updating my blog. now i feel like gaining my energy level back by EATING something. okaes. till the next time i update my blog. CIAOS.
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went home after that and now updating my blog. TIRED. going to sleep. ciaos.
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at the back of the ferry. me and my bro managed to sneak out.
chicken littles. they look small in the picture but trust me, they are BIG.
these GOATS really are BIG. i even stepped on their SHIT. =.='' cause too dark.
me and my bro taken at Ayam Goreng 88 stall at Bintan. that was where i also met Alfian, one of my schoolmate. if you guys know him well he's there for a match against the Indonesians. they lost on penalty 6-5. LOL.
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btw, today going BINTAN with my family for 2 days 1 night holiday. =) YAHOO. going to have a lot of fun there. confirm make some friends there too.well now updating blog. 7 am already must depart from house. got to catch some rest now. CIAOS.
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kaes la till here i end. back to my usual routine which is to play CS and FIFA 07. ciaos my HOMIES.
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- Pray
- Eat
- Sleep
- Slack
- Guitar
- Computer
- TV
- Work
haha. i love this kind of life. just that i don't get enough sleep nowadays. keep playing CS and FIFA 07. that's why my status is away everytime. if i got nothing to do, i play with my handphone game which is Gravity Defied. now my current goals for this holidays :
- working all the way for a brand new GUITAR. =)
- irritate people
- more SPIKY hairstyle
- fatter and taller
- make a fool out of myself
- talk nothing but nonsense
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hahas. yep, GOOD yet AMUSING memories i had. well, let's start off with NPCC. Hmm, every year we will have ATC ( Adventure Training Camp ) at Pulau Ubin during June Holidays and at School during December Holidays. one memorable yet amusing moment was when we were secondary 2 and we just got back from ATC at Pulau Ubin. Pao Ming, was so damn tired, slept like he had never slept before. we were on our way home in the bus, and when we reached school, everyone woke up except pao ming. here comes the amusing part. he slept with his MOUTH open, FACING upwards, and his head was LEANING against the window of the bus. try to imagine that. LOL. everyone laughed.
i learned something during those times. when you are DEAD tired, you tend to hallucinate yourself and bring your mind elsewhere. that's what happened to me. LOL. during secondary 1, we were all damn tired. me and my squad mates were sleeping in our own tent as usual and if i'm not wrong, it was around the wee hours in the morning around 3 am. that's where it all began. everynight during ATC, there would be sentry duty going on. then, that one particular group happened to be patrolling around my area when they heard someone shouting '' HELP ME! HELP ME! '' scary right? then they saw my whole TENT shaking. what happen next could be quite '' DISTURBING ''. guess who was shouting and shaking the tent. it was ME all along. actual thing was that, i was so damn tired and started to hallucinate. the group shone torches at my face before i was awoken and only saw flashes of light. to me, i thought it was just a dream. so i closed my eyes back. LOL. the next morning, the news spread to everyone, including the Sir's. hahas. they all just laughed. =)
some more funny experience was when we ( me, rafie, ahmad & huzaifah ) were playing punk'd against our own Sir's. we were assigned to go for training sessions at the Headquarters for NPCC Day Parade but we skipped it everytime. we were young then. =.='' if we missed the bus that would transport us to Headquarters, we would just slacked around Mcdonald and played soccer. How cruel. =S we finally promised to turn up for one of the training session. when we arrived, we were told that we were DISMISSED for not coming training session for 3 times. we knew we were done for. we took 156 back home. we were damn sleepy then so everyone knock off. ahmad slept beside me but on the outside seat. as i had the window glass to lean my head on, ahmad wanted something to lean on so he tried on my shoulder. feeling a little uncomfortable, i nudged my shoulder so he wouldn't lean on it. when the bus turn to the right, ahmad leaned to far to the left, and FALL. LOL. everyone in the bus turned and looked at him. even i was awoken up by his fall. rafie, huzaifah and me laughed. some in the bus giggled. ahmad was already embarrassed by then so he got up and sat back at his seat. hahas.
okae. about this incident, it happened on a rainy day. rafie, ahmad and me were on our way to Compass Point from my house. we walked in the shelter from my block to the traffic light. we were walking in a straight row, blocking anything that is in our path. upon reaching the traffic light, rafie and ahmad heard a bell ringing. i did not budged cause i never heard anything. ahmad then pulled me before i saw a bangla, wearing a poncho, riding a bike passing by us. as because i blocked his way, he had to cycle pass his way at the small field near the road. my bad cause i didn't hear the bell. as he was about to make his way back into the shelter, his bike's tire was frictionless at the field so he skidded and fall. LOL. I LAUGHED. how cruel of me AGAIN. that bangla fell really badly. i assumed that he was furious yet embarrassed about that incident. i tried to help, but RAFIE made the situation more FUNNIER. he kept asking the bangla '' Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? '' with his hand trying to aid the bangla and instead of helping the BANGLA, he helped the BIKE. now tell me if i'm cruel or not. HAHAS. ahmad held back his laughter. the bangla finally managed to get back up and ride to the next block across the traffic light. rafie and ahmad then finally burst out with laughter all the way. we kept talking about that incident before we met the same BANGLA under one block, parking his bike. what made me LAUGH again was that his PONCHO was already shredded with holes everywhere. hahahahaha. sorry BANGLA, but i couldn't hold back my laughter. =)
well, that was some of my GOOD yet AMUSING memories i had with my friends. care to share more but now the pain in my head is killing me. till the next time i blogged. <3 beautiful her.
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