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English : C6
Maths : E8
Comb. Science : F9
Malay : C6
A* Maths : F9
Comb. Humans : F9
Design & Technology : C6
L1R4 : 35 points
where to go? haha. a COLLEGE i guess. =) got to start working hard. and i ADMIT that i only did a little revision during the SEPT holidays. no use regretting now.
those who went to terawih knows my evil doings. HAHA! trick is this. i would borrow their handphone. switch it to GENERAL mode and wait till they start to pray. this is where it would start to get INTERESTING. i would call their handphone and they have no choice but just to let their phone ring. haha. very fun. humourous. to those who put their handphone on the ground and got called was rather much more FUNNIER. *Flash* *Flash* signal is made ( if silent mode ) and a *Ring* *Ring* noise is made ( if general mode ). well, how evil can i be? VERY evil. =) till next time.
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MONDAY - came to skool. sat beside WEI XIANG at the hall. first page of the newspaper, we saw a face similar like the Bullet For My Valentine vocalist, an asian version, arrested for burglary. HAHA. that was the joke of the day. school was usual. got papers. dissappointing results. HAHA. went to bought school shoe with my brother afterwards at compass point. FAMOUS AMOS cookies are the best. =) buy BUTTERSCOTCH ones, they're the most nicest and delicious. went home straight afterwards.
TUESDAY - thought i was late. ran like hell towards school. dam the tight shoes. i bought a nice fitting. till today there's blood stain on the back of my left shoe. damn. haha. i kinda forget what happen on tuesday. well got result and stuff. oh yea. and RARELY our amaths teacher MDM CHUA came for our amaths lesson. but we need do some papers. maybe all this amaths stuff is making me better? i guess. during our lesson, there happened to be an incident happening just outside school, opposite block E/F. there were firemen's truck and paramedics. guess someone wanted to commit suicide or something. then i started to sing '' RUMAH TERBAKAR PANGGIL BOMBA. BOMBA DATANG BERLUMBA. '' haha. then some of my FRIENDS continued with A for ABOO, B for BAKAR, C for CANTIK. -.-'' well, was damn FUNNY. had really great time. =)
WEDNESDAY - mdm aliah did came to school but had to rush off for something important during our lesson. so during GEOG lesson we were quite free. went to back off the class and enjoyed time with my pals. playing games. -.-'' games that were bluetooth by ivan are getting much popularity among my classmate. the newest are TAMAGOCHI. -.-'' kinda lame, but wth. haha. remedial after school was fun. we had to do some discussion during remedial. damn it. KELVIN NEO and ME got the same mark for compo. 19/30. i really need to beat him. damn that guy. ivan learn new MALAY phrases. HAHA.
THURSDAY - waking up early just to reach school in time, without running. haha. all the way dnt for 3 periods. kinda sleepy, but was fun. dnt just PASSED. -.-'' was aiming for a higher mark. mdm nora did not came again today. i guess she is sick. TAKE CARE mdm NORA. =) had a lot of jokes between my malay classmates during MT lesson. laughed all the way. there was geog remedial after school and we had a new teacher taking our class. MR something. i forgot. but he speaks SUPERB yet UNDERSTANDABLE english. haha. really is good in speaking. wonder how much he scored for his ORAL during his secondary years. haha. after geog remedial, went home, wash up, ate LAKSA ( dam SPICY yet YUMMY ) , dressed and went back to school for amaths remedial. by that time, it was near to 6. well, amaths remedial was from 6pm to 9pm. before amaths remedial began, the boys played BADMINTON and kick STONE. haha. LAME but FUN. was very sleepy. sacrificed my time to study. funny moments in class. haha. ROBIN taught me some magic tricks. cool MAN.
then went back home. with jia hui and si hui. haha. was very tired. now updating my blog. =) sunday is already fasting day. YEA! this is great. saving my $$$. haha. till then.
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scored the most goal during that match. played dam long. from 3pm to 7 30pm. phew. then went to rivervale plaza to have our dinner at KFC. shashah! gosh. she's so kind. never fail to make us full. hais. i feel so bad. THANKS SHASHAH! hope someday i'll repay you. haha. then one by one headed home. then a miracle happened. haha. that special girl i know for so long but lost contact for sometime, message me! haha. was so glad. she asked me to call her. we talked dam long. haha. catching up on the past i guess. miss her, as a close friend. haha. that special girl ANA. haa. only my friends know who she is. =) had a lot of laughter talking to her. reached home bout 10 30pm. was dam tired. watch tv from 11 30pm to 0300am.
i don't know what show. from 11 30pm to 12 30am, about nicholas cage movie. no idea what it's about. then from 12 30 am to 0300am a movie bout witches. haha. was boring. but the scary part is i watch all alone. HAHA. wash up at about 3 am in the morning then went to bed. even though i was damn tired, i sacrifice my LIVING energy to play the guitar. gosh. =) then went to bed. haa. so now morning updating my blog. thinking bout blogging, do you guys think i should change my blogskin? tag my board if free. =) till some other time.
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haha. they are short. damn. ahmad is tall. i really need to grow. haha. kk. till here. prelims. argh. study? hmms. HAHA.
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there was where i met her. this girl. GOSH. i could not stop looking at her. guess what? she noticed it. hahas. there was where the part gets more interesting. everytime i look at her, she will turn and look at me. then i looked away. AWWWW. too me it's just too sweet. she's like the girl in my dream, but with her hair untied. she dressed in yellow baju kebaya. so hot! i think awal got saw her. even he say she's hot. i kept looking for that girl when she had to leave. i was like... oh no.
hais. it was time to go home then. as all of us were walking towards our bus, she was there!! under the shelter. guess she's waiting for her mum. i wanted to call awal, but he already left. gah. so it was left with me. as i walking towards the bus, i just can't get my eyes off her. then suddenly she turn!!! OMG! then we just stare at each other! aiyoh! too much of a good thing. just can't get her out of my memory. should have ask for her number. stupid shy me. hais. hope we could meet again some day. bye bye yellow kebaya sweet dreams girl. after that we collected our ''good'' pay and headed off to coffeeshop for our dinner. i ate 2 prata telur. 2 cans of soya bean. good dinner. but not full though. i decided to take some picture with my camera by zooming real close to their face. HAHA. total idiot of me. elfie borrowed my handphone and took some pictures. THE FUNNIEST FACE GOES TO JUFRI. gosh. the most funniest face ever. got his picture.

bloody eyes & mouth! -.-'' haha. just can't stop laughing looking at this picture. haiyohyoh. then we headed off to hougang interchange. suddenly we saw a funfair. full of funfair activities like bumper cars and something like dat. but we found something more interesting. a ride called the METEORITE. woo. sounds scary right? this ride just rotate anti-clockwise direction and will slowly be lifted up until vertical. and the safety? just a chain around us and a handle bar to us not to let go. HAHA. was fun though. $4 was not wasted though. should try it. but warn you guys. don't eat anything before the ride. got off the ride and already feeling like puking. gosh. but was fun though. then we went straight home.
now at home updating my blog. just can't forget that girl. hais. MISS YOU a lot.
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